Pucca Theme Park Android Hack for extra Time, Cash and Gold.
Play the Game for some time and exit the game and then Open Root explorer
- Open xml file with root explorer in data/data/com.incrediblestudio.themepark/shared_prefs/preference-profile.xml
- Open preference-profile.xml with text editor.
- Change ALL time value to "0" ALL
- Change value cash and gold ( max candies 999999)
(note) : red mark : value time
blue : value cash (candies) and gold
change them with your desired values.
now select OK
blue : value cash (candies) and gold
change them with your desired values.
- If you are done with it .. save files and press hold preference-profile.xml to chage permissions
- remove all data in shared_prefs folder EXCEPT preference-profile.xml
- Turn all internet conections and play game...
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