Idea cellular, the network carrier in India has launched its latest flagship smartphone, the Idea Ultra with the Android OS and some mid-end specifications. The Ultra comes with a 5-inch capacitive touchscreen, with the IPS display having a screen resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, and it has got an internal powering by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor which is supported by 512 MB RAM. Running the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean OS, the Idea Ultra has got the Dual SIM connectivity, with the two GSM SIM, with Dual standby. The phone supports 3G connectivity, and there are different other connectivity options too available in the smartphone apart from this. There are two cameras included in the Idea Ultra, the rear shooter being 8-megapixel autofocus one with the LED flash, and there is a front camera too included. This being the first 5-inch Android smartphone from Idea, they have a lot of hopes as over 6 lakh devices were sold by the company with the devices having screen sizes of 3.5-inch, 4-inch and 4.5-inch.
The internal storage provided in the Idea Ultra smartphone is 4GB, with the user available storage being 1.9GB, while there is an expansion possibility, to 32GB with the MicroSD card support. The battery capacity is 2000 mAh. The smartphone is going to be available at the various retail and service stores of Idea in the 3G circles such as Maharashtra & Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Gujarat, UP West & East, and Haryana. The pricing at which the Idea Ultra is launched, is Rs. 10,500. For the Rs. 259 – Rs.261 Idea Ultra users across the 3G circles, they would be getting the 3G data benefits of 3GB 3G internet and free TV for 3 months after the purchase of this smartphone. The smartphone would be available right away in the various markets as mentioned above.
Idea Ultra Smartphone Specifications
>> 5-inch capacitive touchscreen
>> 480 x 854 pixels screen resolution
>> 1.2 GHz Quad-core processor
>> 512 MB RAM
>> 4GB internal storage (1.9GB user available), expandable to 32GB with MicroSD card
>> 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, Autofocus
>> VGA front camera
>> 2000 mAh battery
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