Finally, Samsung has announced their new flagship device, the Galaxy S5. This one, unexpectedly comes with the 5.1-inch 1080p display, and the internal powering is by the Snapdragon 801 processor. Samsung has not changed the design much, but the back panel has a perforated texture which doesn’t really look impressive, and one would have found the Faux leather in the Note 3 to be better than this.
Samsung is coming up with four color options for this – Charcoal Black, Shimmery White, Electric Blue and Copper Gold. Some of the new excellent features which are worth the mention, include:
Android 4.4.2 KitKat OS, the latest Android version.
IP67 ratings for Dust and water Resistance
Heart rate sensor below the rear camera, S Health 3.0 app
Finger Scanner for the biometric phone locking and payment authorization
Apart from these, the camera included in the Galaxy S5 is a 16-megapixel one with the 4K video recording capability, and some of the other features include HDR (Rich tone), Selective Focus, Virtual Tour Shot. On the front side, there is a 2.1-megapixel camera.
There is a 2800 mAh battery included in the device, while the Galaxy S5 does have quite a lot of new features, thus one cannot easily call this just a minor upgrade from the Galaxy S4. Did you love the device already, given the specs?
The estimated price for this device would be around 50,000 INR.
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